‣ Time Capsules

The drawings in the Time Capsules series reflect my fascination with the intimate connections between memory, objects, and time. These small-scale graphite works, most of which measure 4 x 4 inches, depict personal objects and trinkets from my childhood in the early 2000's. Each item serves as a tangible link to specific moments, people, and emotions, acting as a kind of "time capsule" that preserves not only the object itself but also the memories and sensory details associated with it. For example, a plastic toy duck reminds me of carefree play and the textures of childhood joy, while my first opal ring—my birthstone—marks an early moment of recognition of personal value and identity. The rose quartz rock, matching one that belongs to my sister, represents a connection that transcends physical distance and emphasizes the influence of familial ties on personal development. In this series, I worked meticulously to replicate the intricate details of each object, from the sheen of polished stone to the worn edges of plastic or the shimmer of a gem. By encapsulating these objects within the intimate format of small-scale drawings, I invite viewers to reflect on their own "time capsules"— the seemingly ordinary items that carry extraordinary personal significance and pricelessness regardless of monetary or materialistic value.
